
Building upon my academic research into feminist takes on Foucault’s theory of the panopticon, my work is an exploration into my own docilities within patriarchal society, within which I incorporate notions of my own trauma, which allows me to accept my past (and present) and repurpose negative experiences of my femininity, in order to understand myself beyond the physical, to penetrate the metaphysical reality of my femaleness. I aim, through often obscene and exaggerated depictions, adorned with stereotypically feminine materials, to escape the panoptic gaze of the patriarchy, liberating myself from self surveillance, through reappropriation of my lived trauma, and the stereotypically feminine, that was once used to maintain my docility. 

The surreal and often fantastical imagery produced in both my 3D and 2D works, are heavily inspired by the confessional, and at times shocking works by artists such as Lindsey Mendick and Tracey Emin, whom both have their own way of channelling their own inner femininity, personal to themselves.

Religion is a heavy theme throughout the bodies of work I have created. This is an aspect of my childhood where in which, through many drawings and sketches, I have been able to view my femaleness through various lenses. Whether I am the Devil, or the Virgin Mary herself, my trauma becomes bendable through the eyes of multiple figures. These perspectives are realised through clay, spray paint, pens and pastels, but with the detailed and continuous experimentation my practice relies on, the materials that propose an alternative to the essentialist notion that femininity relies on victimhood, are always subject to change.